

Renewable energy production is increasing in the United States, but so is oil and…

The Center for Sustainable Communities Research and Education (SCoRE

Georgia Tech Launches Quadrant-i, a New Unit to Enhance Research Commercialization


Georgia Tech is supporting career growth for its research faculty, who do critical work at…

Georgia Tech Center for Sustainable Communities Research and Education (SCoRE) senior director,…

Jud Ready, a principal research engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), has been…

A new study by Associate Professor Omar Isaac Asensio and a team of students in Georgia Tech’s…

In January, Georgia Tech researchers were awarded three grants as a part of the Department…

Every year, Georgia Tech’s research enterprise celebrates the remarkable contributions of its…

Matthew McDowell, Woodruff Faculty Fellow and associate professor in the…

GT Energy In The News

Georgia Tech's iconic Tech Tower with the Atlanta midtown skyline in the background
Duke Nicholas Institute

Development of the portal–in collaboration with Georgia Tech and the SETRI network–was recently recognized as part of the White…

After more than 10 years, construction of Plant Vogtle Unit 3 is complete and has achieved full power output. (Courtesy of Georgia Power)

The first new nuclear reactor built in the U.S. in more than 40 years is now up and running in Waynesboro, Georgia.…

Georgia Tech's iconic Tech Tower with the Atlanta midtown skyline in the background

As more and more people move to metro Atlanta, we have somehow managed to reduce our carbon footprint in the state of Georgia.…

hand with scissors cutting smoke from smoke stack
Axios Atlanta

Georgia's carbon footprint is shrinking — but our reliance on cars and big SUVs persists. Greenhouse gas emissions declined by…

Roads leading to downtown Atlanta

Tracking Georgia’s progress toward net zero emissions is now easier and more convenient for local governments, researchers, and…

solar panels
Atlanta News First

Georgia Tech scientists played a critical role in the technology that led to a major investment in solar power in Georgia, and…

Georgia Tech's iconic Tech Tower with the Atlanta midtown skyline in the background
Atlanta Business Chronicle

Georgia Tech says it is studying how to expand the Tech Square model to other parts of the state. The hope is to create a regional…

ATL Building Birds eye view Credit: Ben Gray
Atlanta Journal-Constitution

City sustainability chief Chandra Farley wants to boost an energy tracking program and tap federal funds to upgrade city properties…